what is yoga? Benefits and rules of yoga (Full Information)

what is yoga?

Yoga is called by different names. It is also called Pranayana, Yoga, Yoga. Yoga is a branch of yoga. Where yoga is practiced sitting or seated. A spiritual process where body, mind, and spirit are combined (yoga). The term is related to the process of meditation in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism.

Yoga is a Sanskrit word that comes from Yuj, which means to gather, to bind. Yoga has now spread to China, Japan, Tibet, Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka, as well as Buddhism from India, and is currently familiar to people throughout the civilized world.

Benefits of Yoga Exercise:

There are many benefits of doing yoga. While just doing gym keeps our body healthy, yoga makes our body as well as mind healthy. Some benefits of aerobics or yoga:

1. Peace of mind

Yoga not only gives good exercise to the muscles of our body, but it also helps in keeping our mind calm. Medical research has shown that yoga helps maintain good health, both physically and mentally.

Yoga relieves stress and induces better sleep, increases appetite and digestion. It always keeps the mind calm.

2. Stress free life:

If you include yoga in your daily routine then you can live a stress free life. Studies show that every second person is under stress today.

3. Fatigue of the body:

When we do yoga, many actions take place in the muscles like stretching, twisting, twisting and stretching. This removes fatigue from our body and we always feel fresh. If you do yoga regularly, there will be energy in your body.

4. Disease free body

: Practicing yoga makes the body healthy, because it gives us strength to fight diseases. Yoga is recommended for many other diseases like heart disease, diabetes and asthma.

Yoga helps in controlling blood sugar levels and also relieves respiratory disorders. Therefore, if you do yoga daily, you will remain healthy.

5. Control weight:

Eighty percent of the world's population suffers from obesity. However, by including yoga in our lifestyle, we can control obesity. By doing yoga the body becomes flexible.

It strengthens our muscles and reduces excess fat from the body. It also strengthens our digestive system. Yoga is a great way to stay fit.

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