Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in women, and the second leading cause of cancer death in women after lung cancer. Therefore it is important to know about its symptoms. Worldwide, breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed life-threatening cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in women.
Perhaps its most recognized symptom is a lump or mass in the breast tissue. While many women go to their doctor after finding a lump, they should be aware of any other changes in the nipple. However, different types of breast cancer come with different types of symptoms. In this article, we will tell about the symptoms and remedies of breast cancer.
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
It is not necessary for everyone to have symptoms of breast cancer before its diagnosis. By being proactive about your breast health and knowing the early signs and potential symptoms of disease, you could save a life. The most common symptoms are a lump and rash on the breast and pain. Given below are some of the common breast cancer symptoms:
1. Breast lump
One of the most common symptoms of breast cancer is a lump or thickening in its tissue. These lumps are usually painless and can be felt during self-exam or by a health care professional. This is a very common breast cancer symptom.
2. Changes in the shape or size of the breast
Breast cancer can cause changes in the size or shape of the breast. You may notice swelling, shrinkage or asymmetry between the two. These changes can be gradual or sudden.
3. nipple discharge
Abnormal nipple discharge that is not associated with breastfeeding or pregnancy may be a sign of breast cancer. The discharge may be bloody, clear, or a different color. If you notice any such discharge, it is necessary to seek medical attention.
4. Nipple Change
There can be a change in the appearance of the nipple in this cancer. These changes may include nipple inversion, where the nipple turns inward, or the development of scaly, scaly or swollen skin around the nipple.
5. Breast or nipple pain
While breast cancer is not usually associated with pain, some individuals may experience discomfort or tenderness in the nipple. This pain may be constant or intermittent and may be localized or diffuse.
6. Skin Changes
Can cause visible changes in the skin. This may include redness, dimpling, or the appearance of an orange peel texture (peau d'orange). These changes are caused by the infiltration of cancer cells into the skin. This is one of the symptoms of breast cancer which you can see even at home.
7. Swollen lymph nodes
Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped structures that help fight infection. In some cases of cancer, cancer cells can spread to nearby lymph nodes, causing them to swell. Swollen lymph nodes can be felt in the armpit or above the collarbone.
8. Breast or nipple ulceration
In advanced stages of breast cancer, ulcers may develop in the skin of the affected area. These are open sores that do not heal and may ooze fluid or blood. Ulceration is a sign that the cancer has reached an advanced stage.
9. Change in breast sensation
Breast cancer can cause changes in how the breast or nipple feels. You may experience increased sensitivity, burning or numbness in the nipple. These changes may be localized or affect a large area.
10. Breast Retraction or Dimpling
A subtle but important sign of breast cancer is a reddening or dimpling of the skin. It may give a shriveled or jagged appearance. This happens when cancer cells invade its tissues.
However, some of these may be common to other diseases or problems that are less severe. However, if you have symptoms of breast cancer, you must visit a doctor as soon as possible for proper and timely diagnosis and treatment.
Read more: Symptoms, Causes, Stages, Treatment and Prevention of Cancer
Reasons for breast cancer
The exact causes of breast cancer are not fully understood, but several risk factors have been identified that can increase a person's chances of developing the disease. Here are some known causes and risk factors associated with breast cancer:
1. Age
The risk of breast cancer increases with age. Most cases occur in women over the age of 50, although it can also affect younger women and, in rare cases, men.
2. Gender
Breast cancer is more common in women than in men. Although men can develop breast cancer, it is about 100 times more prevalent in women.
3. Family History and Genetic Factors
Family history of this can increase the risk of developing this disease. Certain gene mutations, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, are associated with a higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
4. Personal history of breast cancer
Occurrence in one breast increases the risk of it developing or recurring in the other.
5. Hormonal factors
Certain hormonal factors may affect the risk of breast cancer. These include early onset of menstruation (before age 12), late onset of menopause (after age 55), and having a first child at an older age or never having had children.
6. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Long-term use of hormone replacement therapy, especially combination estrogen and progesterone therapy, may slightly increase the risk of breast cancer.
7. Dense Breast Tissue
Women with dense breast tissue are at higher risk of getting cancer. Dense breast tissue can also make it more challenging to detect tumors on a mammogram.
Breast cancer treatment
Breast cancer treatment varies depending on a number of factors, including the stage of the cancer, the characteristics of the tumor, and the overall health of the individual. A comprehensive treatment plan may include a combination of different approaches. Here are some common treatment options for breast cancer:
- Surgery: Surgery is often the primary treatment for cancer. Surgical options include:
- Lumpectomy: This procedure involves the removal of the tumor and a small portion of the surrounding healthy tissue.
- Mastectomy: In mastectomy, the entire breast is surgically removed. Depending on the situation, a double mastectomy (removal of both breasts) may be recommended.
- Lymph node removal: During surgery, nearby lymph nodes may be removed and examined to determine whether cancer has spread beyond the breast.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy uses high-energy X-rays or other particles to destroy cancer cells. It is often used after surgery to target any remaining cancer cells and reduce the risk of recurrence. In some cases, radiation therapy may be recommended before surgery to shrink the tumor.
Chemotherapy involves the use of powerful drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. It is usually administered intravenously and may be given before surgery to shrink tumors, after surgery to eliminate remaining cancer cells, or to control and manage symptoms in advanced stages of the disease.
Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy is used when the breast cancer is hormone receptor-positive. This includes drugs that block or inhibit hormones, such as estrogen or progesterone, that promote the growth of certain types of breast cancer cells.
Targeted Therapy
Targeted therapy drugs are specifically designed to target and inhibit the growth of cancer cells that have specific genetic changes or characteristics. These drugs may be used in combination with other treatments such as chemotherapy or hormonal therapy.
Immunotherapy uses the body's immune system to recognize and destroy cancer cells. It is still being studied in the context of breast cancer, and its use is more common in some subtypes of the disease.
The choice of treatment options will depend on the specific characteristics of the cancer and the overall health of the individual. Treatment plans are often individualized and may involve a multidisciplinary approach, including collaboration with surgeons, oncologists, radiation oncologists, and other health professionals.
Does breast cancer cause pain?
Breast cancer is usually not painful in the early stages. Most breast cancer cases are detected through routine screening or when a lump or other abnormality is found during self-examination or diagnostic testing. However, it is important to note that breast cancer can cause pain or discomfort in some cases, especially when the disease progresses or it affects surrounding tissue.
Some factors that may contribute to breast cancer pain or discomfort include:
- tumor size
- Swelling
- advanced stage
- side effects of treatment
Other factors: It is important to consider that breast pain can have many causes unrelated to cancer, such as hormonal changes, fibrocystic breast changes, or muscle strain. These conditions are not usually associated with it.
Why need to know about breast cancer risk factors?
There are many factors that can put any at a higher risk than others for developing a disease. The risk factors of its symptoms predispose a person to acquire a disease. However, it is not always necessary that the person develops the disease, as in the case of breast cancer, many women with one or more risk factors for breast cancer do not develop.
So why is this important? Well, being more aware of the various risk factors as well, reducing the risk towards a disease and that lies in proper diagnosis of breast cancer and treatment. Being proactive about someone's breast-health could save a life. The risk factors for breast cancer can be of the following types:
- implicit or immutable
- Environment
- Behaviour
It is important to be breast aware so that you can pick up on any changes as soon as possible so that you can recognize the symptoms of breast cancer. Find out what's normal for you – for example, your breasts may look or feel different at different times in your life. This will make it much easier to spot potential problems.
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs
How to identify breast cancer?
Early detection of breast cancer is important for successful treatment. Some of the ways to identify breast cancer are:
1. Breast Self-Exam (BSE)
2. Clinical Breast Examination (CBE)
3. Mammography
4. Ultrasound of the breast
5. Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
6. Biopsy
What are the symptoms of breast cancer in women?
Common symptoms of breast cancer in women include breast lumpiness or thickening, change in breast size or shape, nipple changes (such as inversion, discharge, or skin changes), breast or nipple pain, skin changes (redness, dimples, or orange peel). texture), swollen lymph nodes, breast or nipple ulceration, changes in breast sensation, and breast retraction or dimpling.
At what age does breast cancer start?
Most breast cancers are found in women 50 years of age or older. Some women will get breast cancer without knowing any other risk factors.
What is stage 1 breast cancer?
Stage 1 breast cancer means that the cancer is small and is only in the breast tissue or it can be found in lymph nodes close to the breast. This is early stage breast cancer. The stage of cancer tells you how big it is and how far it has spread. This helps your doctor decide the best treatment for you.
Is breast cancer serious or not?
Is breast cancer fatal? People with early-stage breast cancer often successfully manage their condition with treatment. In fact, many people who receive a diagnosis of breast cancer go on to live long, full lives. Late-stage breast cancer is more difficult to treat, and can be fatal.
How to avoid breast cancer?
9 Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer |
1. Keep weight in check.
2. Be physically active.
3. Eat your fruits and vegetables - and limit alcohol (zero is best)
4. Don't smoke.
5. Breastfeeding, if possible.
6. Avoid birth control pills, especially after the age of 35 or if 7. You smoke.
8. Avoid hormone therapy for menopause.
9. Tamoxifen and raloxifene for high-risk women.
Who is at high risk of breast cancer?
If members of your family have the mutation, especially the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, you are at higher risk. The lifetime breast cancer risk can be as high as 85% in individuals with a hereditary risk of breast cancer. History of abnormal breast biopsy. Atypical cells put you at higher risk.