10 Ways Yoga Is Good for You: Health Benefits of Yoga

 10 Benefits of Yoga in Daily Life 

Weight loss, a strong and flexible body, beautiful glowing skin, a peaceful mind, good health – whatever you want, yoga gives you. Yoga is partially understood by only a few asanas but its benefits are assessed only at the body level. We fail to know that yoga benefits us physically, mentally and in respiration. When you are with beautiful thoughts, the journey of life is filled with peace, happiness and more energy. 

We are giving information about 10 benefits of yoga practice. 

  1. Holistic
  2. Weight Loss 
  3. Relief from Anxiety 
  4. Inner Peace 
  5. Improve Immunity 
  6. Live with more Awareness
  7. Improvement in Relationships 
  8. Increase Energy 
  9. Better Body Flexibility & sitting position
  10. Better Intuition 

1. Holistic 

Health When you are in total health you are not just physically Physically but also mentally and emotionally healthy. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji says, "Health does not mean the absence of disease. It is the dynamism of life that tells how much joy, love and energy you are full of." Yoga teaches us the method of sitting, pranayama and meditation jointly. One who practices regularly gets innumerable benefits. Following are some of those benefits: 

  • Health benefits, mental strength, physical strength, protection of the body from wear and tear, purification of the body.

2. Weight loss 


is what most people want? Yoga has benefits here too. Surya Namaskar and Kapalbhati Pranayama along with yoga bring reduction in body weight. Apart from this, practicing yoga regularly gives us so much understanding that what kind of food should we eat and when? Apart from this, it helps in controlling weight. 

3. Relief from anxiety 

A couple of minutes of yoga every day will preserve you fresh and full of electricity in the course of the day. Not only physical but also mental concerns. Yogasana, Pranayama and meditation are effective ways to relieve stress. You can experience how yoga frees the body from stress and harmful substances in the Sri Sri Yoga Level 2 program. 

4. Inner peace 


We all like to visit peaceful, beautiful and natural places. We can experience this small holiday at any time of the day when we feel that this peace is within us. This short break with yoga and meditation is the best way to calm your anxious mind. 

5 Improve Immunity 


We are jointly made up of body, mind and soul. Any irregularity in the body affects the mind. Disappointment and fatigue in the mind are the cause of disease in the body. Yogasanas keep the organs in normal position and give strength to the muscles. Pranayama and meditation relieve stress and improve immunity.

6. Living with more awareness 


The mind keeps jerking in the past and the future jointly but never in the present. In general, awareness in the state of mind frees us from tension. Increases work capacity by giving peace to the mind. Yoga and pranayama bring the mind to the present moment, making us happy and focused towards the goal. 

7. Improvement in relations



Your relations with your dear ones improve through yoga. A mind that is carefree, happy and content, handles relationships well. Yoga and meditation give happiness and peace to the mind. Provides the ability to make beautiful relations with the relatives. 

8. Increase in Energy 


Do you experience absolutely exhausted at the end of the day? One gets completely tired while doing many tasks throughout the day. A few minutes of yoga each day will keep you fresh and full of energy throughout the day. 10 minute online guided meditations to keep you fresh and energized through even the busiest of days. 

9. Better Body Flexibility and Sitting Position 


All you need to do is incorporate yoga into your ordinary routine to live sturdy, supple and flexible. Regular yoga practice strengthens your body and strengthens the muscles. It improves the sitting, standing etc. position of the body. It improves wrong way of getting up and sitting. Provides relief from physical pain. 

10. Better Intuition 


Yoga and meditation improve the power of your intuition. By which you get to know what, when, how to do so that you get positive results. It's the worker, you just have to feel it. Therefore, practice yoga continuously. The deeper you exercise, the more you get the blessings.

what is yoga?

Yoga is a set of spiritual, physical and mental practices that originated in ancient India. Yoga literally means to join. Yoga combines physical exercises, body postures (asanas), meditation, breathing techniques, and exercise.

The word itself means 'yoga' or the union of the physical with the spiritual within oneself. It also symbolizes the union of individual consciousness with the universal consciousness, indicating a perfect harmony between mind and body, human and nature. The practice of yoga is also referred to in the Rigveda and the Upanishads.

The Yogasutras of Patanjali (2nd century BCE), is an authoritative textual content on yoga and is taken into consideration a foundational textual content of classical yoga philosophy. 

During current instances, and specifically inside the West, yoga has been largely followed as a shape of physical exercise in addition to meditation and postures. However, the purpose of yoga goes beyond a healthy mind and body.

Yoga is one of the Shaddarshana (six philosophies) of Hindu philosophy. These 6 philosophies are known as Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaiseshik, Mimansa and Vedanta. Patanjali, Gautam, Kanad, Kapil, Jaimini and Badrayan are considered to be the pioneers of these philosophies. The earliest indications of these philosophies are also found in the Upanishads.

Origin of Yoga

There isn't any consensus on the exact time period of the foundation of yoga. Some researchers believe that it originated during the period of the Indus Valley Civilization, some say that this yoga originated from the pre-Vedic era in eastern India. Some experts believe that it originated in the Vedic era. Still others point to Shramana traditions. The Pashupati seal from Mohenjodaro shows a figure seated in mulabandhasana (sitting posture in yoga), and so some researchers cite this as evidence of yoga's Indus Valley origin. Yoga is systematically explained within the early Buddhist texts, the Middle Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and many others. In the cutting-edge era, gurus like Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi etc. Contributed to the improvement and popularization of yoga at some stage in the world. The first use of the word yoga is in a verse of Rigveda Prat: Rising in time has happened for the Sun God. However, the Rigveda does not mention what the yogic practices were. One of the earliest references to the exercise of yoga may be observed inside the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, one of the first Upanishads. However, the word yoga is found in the Katha Upanishad with a similar meaning in contemporary times.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The Yoga Sutras are a set of approximately 195 sutras or aphorisms written in Sanskrit. It was composed by the sage Patanjali drawing on previous works and older traditions on yoga. Its composition is believed to be between 500 BC and 400 AD. In this treatise, Patanjali describes yoga as having eight limbs (ashtanga). They are Yama (restraint), Niyama (observance), Asana (yoga posture), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (absorption). During the medieval period, it was translated into about 40 Indian languages ​​and also into Arabic and Old Javanese. The Yoga Sutras had been nearly forgotten in present day instances until Swami Vivekananda revived it and took it to the West.
Role of Swami Vivekananda in popularizing Yoga

In the last nearly 100 years, Yoga has got a unique identity at the global level. And full credit score for this goes to Swami Vivekananda. Vivekananda's Raj Yoga is considered an important step in popularizing yoga in the West. Along with Swami Vivekananda, Yogananda, Sri Aurobindo and so forth. also played an important role in popularizing Yoga on foreign soil.

Swami Vivekananda, apart from being a awesome speaker, additionally had a deep understanding of spirituality.  He made significant efforts to facilitate cultural and spiritual exchange between East and West. 

The Swami was one of the first Indian masters to commentate and translate the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Expressing the vastness of yoga, Swami Vivekananda wrote within the preface to the e-book Raja Yoga All orthodox structures of Indian philosophy have however one aim, the liberation of the soul thru perfection by means of the method of yoga."

That's why the deep impact of Vivekananda's yoga propaganda is visible even today in the western tradition. He turned into instrumental in attracting humans to yoga as well as creating a serious hobby amongst Westerners to learn the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. 


Patanjali Yoga Sutra

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are considered to be the foundational texts of yoga philosophy. The Yoga Sutras were composed hundreds of years ago with the aid of Patanjali. In Patanjali Yogasutra, there is a law to concentrate the mind and merge it in God. According to Patanjali, yoga is to prevent the mind's instincts from becoming fickle (chittavrttinirodh). It means not letting the mind wander here and there, keeping it fixed in only one object.

The most translated ancient Indian text in the medieval period is the Yoga Sutras. According to the information, Yogasutra was translated into about 40 Indian and foreign languages ​​(including ancient Javanese and Arabic). Patanjali Yogasutra had completely disappeared from 12th to 19th century, but due to Vivekananda and some other great men, this book came back into circulation in 19th-20th and 21st century.


Types of Yoga (Yoga Poses) 

Yoga helps in increasing physical and mental consciousness. Modern yoga is an evolved method of exercise with a focus on strength, flexibility, and breathing. The modern yogi has many styles (Yoga Poses). The various types and styles of yoga are given in detail below – 

Ashtanga Yoga – This yoga style became most popular during the last few decades. In this type of yoga, the ancient teachings of yoga are used. Ashtanga yoga combines the process of rapid breathing. It mainly has coordination of 6 postures.  

Bikram Yoga – Bikram yoga is mainly performed in an artificially heated room. Where the temperature is around 105 degrees (105° Fahrenheit) and 40 percent humidity. It is also known as Hot Yoga. This yoga consists of a total of 26 poses and a sequence of two breathing exercises.

Hatha Yoga – This is a general term for any yoga by which physical postures are learned. Hatha yoga serves as an introduction to basic yoga postures.

Iyengar Yoga – In this type of yoga, all the postures are performed using various props like blanket, pillow, chair and round long pillow etc. 

Jivamukti Yoga – Jivamukti means “liberation while alive.” This form of yoga emerged around the year 1984. Thereafter it was incorporated into spiritual teachings and yoga practices. Jivamukti yoga focuses on increasing the range of motion between two postures rather than focusing on any one pose. This meditation (focus) is called Vinyasa. Each class has a theme, which is explored through yoga scriptures, chanting, meditation, asanas, pranayama and music. Physically intense activities are done in Jivamukti Yoga.

Kripalu Yoga – Kripalu Yoga teaches the seeker to know, accept and learn from his body. Practitioners of Kripalu Yoga learn to practice at their own level by looking inward. Its classes begin with breathing exercises and gradual stretching of the body. Afterwards there is also a series of relaxations. 

Kundalini Yoga – Here the meaning of Kundalini is to be coiled like a snake. Kundalini Yoga is a system of meditation. Through this, the work of bringing out the suppressed internal energy is done.

Yoga practice gives innumerable benefits to the body and mind, although it is not a substitute for medicine. It is critical which you examine and exercise yoga underneath the steerage of a Sri Sri Yoga trainer. 

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